Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Monday, Monday, How I missed my Mondays! Did you miss the rehearsal?

It was so so so good to sing again yesterday!

After a very long summer, members of the York Region Community Choir got together in a Newmarket backyard for a sound check and rehearsal for our upcoming wedding gig.

It was wonderful! It felt great! It was fantastic seeing you all again! It was so exciting that my baton ended up flying over the fence into a neighbour's yard! I was that wired.

Our sound system didn't end up working the way we wanted, and we're figuring out a Plan B, but that's why we were there.

The singing was way way way wonderful, enough to make up for the disappointment, though! We kept singing after we lost our accompaniment a couple of times, and our sound was incredibly beautiful. Our songs are beautiful. It's going to be great!

For those of you who weren't able to be there (or if you were and want to work on it before Sept. 8), please go to YouTube and watch the Blue Skies snaps to see how they go (search: Blue Skies YRCC). Sopranos snap alone at the beginning and everyone snaps during the solo. Also, please listen to Sapphire's recordings of your parts of In My Life to hear the timing of the ending "in my life, I loved you more". The word life does a much quicker thing than what we've been doing. Let's try to do it the right way.