Monday, November 29, 2021

REAL CHOIR in DECEMBER- YRCC meeting Dec. 6 and Dec. 13

I'm doing a happy dance! 

I can hardly believe it. I'm going to see you soon!

Cross our fingers, say your prayers, do what you can to make this happen!

We have booked our room in the basement of Trinity Anglican Church in Aurora (79 Victoria Street) for 2 Mondays in December and starting in January!!!

There will be COVID things, masks while we're out of our seats, social distancing and vaccination records. But, we will be together in one place singing our songs! I'm so excited!

December 6 and 13 will be just for fun, since there's no concert to rehearse for. We're not making binders. You can simply download the sheet music to your phone or a tablet or iPad and sing with an electronic copy. If you prefer, you can print them out. Go to the website to the Recordings page to fetch the music. I'll put them on the calendar too. Here's the list of music. We might do a little Christmas sing-along if we're in the mood. 

  • Grown-up Christmas List
  • Hallelujah
  • Little Tree
  • Magic of Winter
  • Seasons of Love
  • Twelve Days After Christmas
  • Twelve Songs of Christmas
  • We Need a Little Christmas
  • What a Wonderful World
  • Why We Sing
  • You Raise Me Up

Stay safe and healthy and hope for the pandemic situation to remain the same or get better, not worse again.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Real Choir: Can YRCC Hope for an Indoor Rehearsal this Year?

 Even though we have given up on having a concert in 2021, I think there is still hope for us to meet together to sing together, in real life, face-to-face! 

How wonderful will it be to see you again?!!!

We're trying! Lauren and Jane and I have been trying to get the choir together. It seems like everything is opening up but some places are still being very careful, just like some people are being extra careful still. Things look good for a Spring Concert, and rehearsals starting in the new year. And, now there are a few things that look promising for us in the next few weeks!

Stay tuned, YRCC choristers, watch out for details in an email or maybe an event on the website*! 

Read about my yearning for Real Choir and preference for Real things on my other blog, Old Pollyanna. 

*or maybe a very sad Renate if nothing works out. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Song Requests for Zoom Choir, Please

 YRCC Zoom Choir continues through the Winter Holiday Season. So, if we're not preparing to perform, we can sing anything we want again. 

Please let me know which of our songs you would like to sing (and maybe which ones you'd prefer not to as well). Sign in to the website and go to Library of Music and Recordings. If it's in red, we have the sheet music online (black means we don't). I'll check my spreadsheet to see if we have a concert recording. If not, we could sing with the accompaniment recording or Soprano one, also in red if we have it. I can attach the sheet music to the calendar entry where the Zoom link also can be found. 

There's also the 1970's Song Book which we've been singing to, using the sheet music and accompaniment tracks as sight learning fun. The list of songs is a PDF in the calendar. Let me know which of those you'd like to sing. 

Send me an email with your requests. 
