Tuesday, August 30, 2022

YRCC Rehearsals Return: Tues, Sept 13th

We are going to have a Winter/Holiday/Christmas Season in 2022!

Our start date is Tuesday, September 13th. We've rented the basement of Trinity Anglican in Aurora again. It's a good space, large and comfortable. The church is careful with pandemic protocols so we can feel safe. It's a familiar place, since we've been singing in their sanctuary upstairs for years and years at our concerts. A number of us met there earlier this year. I would like that number to increase. Please come back to sing with us. 

We're going to plan to sing familiar things and I want to include the audience more than ever before. So, we'll ask them to sing along with Hallelujah, Wonderful World, and seasonal favourites too, maybe from our sing-along list. 

We have a concert date: Sunday, December 4th at 3:00 at Trinity Anglican. 

I'm crossing my fingers that we will have a safe and healthy fall and winter and can perform for an audience again. We had a good experience singing at seniors' homes this spring, so if possible, we want to go back and sing with seniors again. 

We will be flexible, agile and we'll do as much as we can. 

The most important thing is that we will be able to sing together every Tuesday night this fall and winter with our wonderful new accompanist, Donna!