Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sharing with Seniors

Hi Everyone!

Great show!

What a great time we had with the seniors at Park Place Manor in Aurora yesterday evening!

Lively audience
They were a great audience. They were keen to sing along, and not just during the sing-along section! It makes it more fun when the audience feels comfortable and gets so drawn in to the music that they start to sing. Of course, it can be awkward for a soloist. But, we're very cool with it. In fact, I love it.

Appreciative audience
I had so many people take me aside to thank me and to let me know who much they enjoyed our show! It felt great! Two women were especially thankful and expressed how important music is to them, how good it makes them feel.

My magic wand
I think that it's not just music, but music that people can participate in that is important. When we move people to sit up in their seats, laugh and sing out, our show and our music work magic! My baton becomes a magic wand!

Making connections
Besides the musical connections we make singing with and for our audiences, we connect after the show when we talk to individual audience members. I always speak to several audience members after a show and I always learn things.  I got to speak German to someone yesterday, something I do very rarely, an added bonus.

Added bonus
I really appreciate it when the retirement home arranges cold drinks and snacks for us. The cold drinks are especially good- Park Place Manor had very nice, very cold drinks: ahhhhhh.... We get hot performing. The cookies were really good too- totally unnecessary, but so nice!  

Well done, YRCC!

I'm looking forward to next Monday!

Yours in harmony,


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