Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Money and Happiness

Money, it is often said, does not bring happiness; it must be added, however, that it makes it possible to support unhappiness with exemplary fortitude. (Robertson Davies)

It’s a good thing I’m a happy person.

I wrote that quote down in the middle of reading rhe book. I actually stopped reading, put my bookmark in, and went and got paper and pen to write it down. It’s that good, isn’t it?

I’ve started reading Roberson Davies’ Salterton Trilogy. (Love Robertson Davies.) The first book is called Tempest Tost. It revolves around the production of Shakespeare’s The Tempest in a small community, Salterton.

My favourite character so far is the music director J

The music director is a happy guy with very little money.

Money would be nice. The alternative to money is dreaming.

When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping (Who said that first? The original get going version is attributed to JFK’s father.), but window shopping works too. Spending money is very satisfying, but not entirely necessary. Dreaming, visualizing is powerful too. 

We’re in the process of planning a Mini Choir Executive Field Trip. A trip to Ikea is taking shape. There’s a place to dream in! Walk around the “rooms” and imagine and wish and escape. And, there’s usually something inexpensive that you can buy for even more satisfaction.

Postive thinkers, and Olympic athletes, use Creative Visualization to create postive outcomes. They tell you to "go to your happy place" for pain control. What if that happy place is Ikea?  

We're going to go and dream and increase our happiness.

We'll let you know how it works.

Yours in harmony,

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