Sunday, October 16, 2011

Health Benefits of Singing in a Choir

Hello All!
I've posted on our Facebook Page an article about the health benefits of singing. Now I'm going to post here about the same topic.

I've just read another article about how healthy it is for us to sing, especially in a choir. This one was by the Barbershop Harmony Society. It's a really long article, but it says so many important things. I'm going to post it here for you to read too.

I like how it says we look high when we sing. It's true. Sometimes theres a kind of rapture when we're sounding good and the song is beautiful and we're all soooo happy.

Here's a quote:

Sing yourself happy and fit! If you have ever wondered why choral singers look to be on a high, here are some of the reasons. The health benefits of singing are well documented:
·         Singing improves your mood. It releases the same feel-good brain chemicals as sex and chocolate!
·         It is very effective as a stress reliever and improves sleep
·         Singing releases pain-relieving endorphins, helping you to forget that painful tooth/knee/whatever
·         Your posture improves
·         Lung capacity increases
·         Singing clears sinuses and respiratory tubes
·         Your mental alertness improves
·         Singing tones your facial and stomach muscles
·         It boosts your immune system, helping to fight disease and prolonging life expectancy
·         Your confidence increases

Yours in harmony,


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