Monday, November 21, 2011

Our Busy Time is Here!

Hello Everyone!

This is it. We've been working hard for this. We're starting our performances.

This Thursday, the 24th,  from 11:30-1:00 we're singing at the United Way Craft Sale in the Great Hall of the Administrative Centre. Be prepared to sing anything and everything, including Christmas carols.

This Saturday, the 26th, starting at 7:30, we're participating in the St. Andrew's Presybterian Church "Come in from the cold" Coffee House. We are singing only 3 songs: Peace on This Silent Night, Little Tree, and You Raise Me Up. If they want an encore, we'll do Hallelujah.

Monday the 28th is our run-through rehearsal at Trinity United Church in Newmarket. We'll see how we fit in that space and how to get in place, etc.

Sunday, December 4th is our big "Concert of Peace and Joy" at Trinity Newmarket from 2-4, but be there at 1:00 for a warm-up and sound check. And, we'll need some people to set up the bake sale. Don't forget to bake! 

Monday, December 5th is our Christmas Party, a pot-luck and sing-along, karaoke night in our room at the Admin. Ctr. But, first some of us will go out to sing at Eagle Terrace.

There are two more seniors visits which you can look up on the calendar. Keep checking the calendar for details. You'll find it in the Links list on the left.

Check your emails on Mondays before heading out, just in case there are any changes. It's that time of year when weather and viruses can change our plans in the last moment.

The executive is working hard to make sure everything is in place. Let's all work together to make this a fun and successful end of season.

Yours in harmony,



  1. Renate,
    You have brought the choir to new heights. I was blown away by your performances this afternoon! Loved all of it!

  2. Thanks, Pauline!
    It was great having you there in the audience! It would be even better to sing with you again. I hope some day you'll be able to come back.
