Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Our Calendar

Hey, Everyone!

Have you started using our Calendar yet?

Go to the 'links' box on the left and click on YRCC Calendar. You'll get a pretty bare looking calendar, so go to the 'month' view (top right) and click the arrows at the top left near the date to scroll through the months. 

When you click on an event, a pop-up appears with all the details. One of the details is the location.  Click on 'map' and you get a Google map of the location.  I've included the list of music we're going to sing at Probus. Check it out!

If you have a Google calendar, the whole thing can be copied onto your calendar. You can invite people to events through the calendar and there are many more features that I'm just learning about. 

Visit this blog page regularly for information about our choir. For a quick look, go to the right panel and look at 'Nota Bene' and 'Schedule" to see if there's anything new you need to know about. 

Yours in harmony,


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