Saturday, February 25, 2012


Hi Everyone!

Is there a connection between baking and singing? 

It seems to me there must be. So many of us in the choir enjoy baking and are pretty good at it too. 

We just had a sweet executive meeting. Sandra, who hosted, baked several yummy things and a couple of others contributed as well. It's always like that. And, our coffee nights at choir always have scrumptious home made sweets as treats. Then, there's the bake sale at our concerts. Wow! You've never seen such an amazing selection of home made treats! We always have Donna's famous butter tarts, Heather's famous short bread, Sylvia's famous squares (I'm waiting for their return), and there's always something new that people want the recipe for. 

I think it might be a general inclination towards creative expression. But, why is it that we choose to express ourselves with cookies and choir, muffins and music? Are we doing other creative things too, or is this enough?

Are there painters, poets, scrapbookers, knitters and sewers among us as well? And, in such great numbers? 

What do you think?

Yours in harmony, 

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