Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Meal Ministry- great ideas to share

Hey Everyone,

One thing I love about Facebook is that people share all kinds of interesting things, and you don't have to agree, or worry about making a face that shows you don't.

I don't want to start Pinning- that Pinterest thing where you share interests by Pinning, which is kind of like Liking on FB. But, I like seeing what other people pin. Is that weird? Maybe just lazy?

So, one of the things that a friend Pinned yesterday is a blog post called "Top 13 Meal Ministry Meals" which gives ideas for meals to take to people or to take to a potluck or church thing. It's from a really cool blog that I think a number of you will like. It's called TakeThemAMeal.com Blog. It's from a website called TakeThemAMeal.com.

The whole thing started when a friend needed help and there were a ton of people who wanted to contribute meals for a family over a period of time and there was a need to coordinate all these people, schedule it in a central place. A website grew and now they also have the blog which shares all kinds of great ideas for helping people, and even just plain practical advice: How to Support a Person Through Loss and Transition, 19 Ways to Help During Crisis, From Your Freezer to Your Family, etc.

I'm looking forward to reading more of those posts and I hope that you might find it interesting. And, if you don't. Don't worry about it. I can't see your face.

Yours in harmony,

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