Saturday, September 1, 2012

No space for new choristers?

Is it possible? 

The York Region Community Choir has been happily growing for the past 6 years or so, after a period of uncertainty and renewal.

And now, we're at a point where we have to have a waiting list! 

We are very close to the maximum number of people that fit in our rehearsal space, and have already had to limit the number of members going out to seniors' homes because of lack of space. All summer, we've been trying to get a bigger rehearsal space with no success. There are very few options available to us, none of them satisfactory.

We're still going to be very happy to have men join, because our tenor and bass sections are still under-represented. But, we will have to stop accepting new sopranos and altos. Shocking.

We discussed how a waiting list would work at our last executive meeting- very reluctantly. We are very uncomfortable with having to say no to people who want to join our choir. 

We love our choir and would love for everyone in York Region to have the experience we are having. The idea has been that anyone in York Region who wants to have the experience of singing in a choir should be able to. Our fees are low and negotiable, and no previous experience is required. The Region supports us by providing our wonderful free rehearsal space, and we've been very proud to represent York Region at community events and at the seniors homes that we love visiting. We've been very proud and happy to accept new members and to share this great thing we have. But, we are approaching the point where we will have to say no.

We will be posting the details of how our waiting list will work soon. 

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