Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sept. 24

If you missed Sept. 24, here's what you missed:

1. warm-ups included clapping and stomping rhythms together
2. We learned more of One Voice. We sang from page 5 to the end!
3. We sang Mamma Mia with 3/4 of the new soloists.
4. We sight-read through Song For the Unsung Hero. There are alternate lyrics, to make it Canadian instead of American. They are on the sheet music scan on the website, but I will publish them here too. Write the words in on your music in pencil.
5. We learned a hard part in Hymn to Freedom, pages 7&8. Review that with the recording.
6. We talked about small groups, which start next week at 6:30 and 6:50. There will be posts and emails.
7. People who would like to do a solo song are letting me know, and suggesting their songs. I've got some really good ones already. It'll be so hard to choose.

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