Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Being a chorister: Some basic choir rules

With all the new folk and with a smallish space for such a large group, we have to be especially conscious of the people around us, and review the rules so that we continue to work well as a team and sing together in harmony.

There is a document on our website in the Members Only section called

Here are some highlights which I think we need to review.

  • Be punctual. Respect the time of the director and other choir members.
  • Attend and participate in warm up.
  • Support and be respectful of other choristers. We are a family, a community, we want rehearsals and performances to be positive experiences for everyone. 
  • When rehearsal begins focus immediately on the conductor and your music. Maximize the use of rehearsal time.
  • Be silent and attentive when the conductor is speaking. 
  • Limit conversation during rehearsal. Talking wastes time and interferes with the conductor.
  • Listen carefully to the questions of others. They may be your questions as well.
  • Watch your music and listen to others practice their parts. Doing so will make you a better musician. Time spent listening may be as valuable as time spent singing.
There's more, and it's all common sense, like this, but people are not always acting sensibly. Sometimes we have so much fun, that we get carried away and it's easy to forget that we're all working together to learn our music so that we can perform it and be proud.

Please be aware of and kind to the people around you, and remember that you are a member of a big team. 

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