Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hand in your Binder now

Dear YRCC Choristers,

Don't forget that you are responsible for handing in your binder to Trix, our Music Librarian, at the end of each season.

If you want  to have your binder full of music to start the spring season in January, you must hand it in to Trix by next week. Trix has the big job of preparing the binders for our spring season and filing away all the winter season music.

Tomorrow night, after singing, we can all give our binders to Lauren, as Trix will be absent.

If you are not going to be there tomorrow night, you have to drop off your binder at Trix's house in the bin on her front porch.

Please, everyone, help to make this big job a bit easier by ensuring that your binder is handed in as soon as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Last Seniors' Christmas visit---Newmarket Health Centre, Monday 17

Yesterday at the York Region Forest Jingle Walk was really special. It was great singing outdoors surrounded by trees. The crowd of families that came to walk was energetic and seemed to enjoy our performance and singing carols with us. 

Tomorrow is our last "gig" of the season :(

Here's the tentative order for tomorrow's performance at Newmarket Health Centre.
Remember to always be ready for changes when we go out to sing. We'll see who is there and what we can do, so be ready with all of your music. 

Go to the calendar to get a map and other details. 

Newmarket Health Centre                   Monday December 17, at 7:30pm
1              In Our Town in December
2              Let There Be Peace On Earth
3              Carol of the Bells
4              I Will Always Be With You
5              Happy Holiday/White Christmas (group)
6              Do You Hear What I Hear
7              Thankful (Todd's solo)
8              You Raise Me Up
9              We Wish You a Merry Madrigal

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Humming is good for you

Classical 96.3 is my radio station for driving. I also like to listen to it while I'm working, so I use my laptop to listen to the live stream. Today, as I logged on, I noticed a teaser for an article on the website:
"Humming and sinus problems"
It seems that humming helps to keep your sinuses working properly. Interesting.
Here's a link to that short article. It's from Libby Znaimer's Zoomer Report.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

YRCC sings "In Our Town In December" (December 2012)

Thank you, Gerry, for posting your family's recordings of our concert on YouTube!