Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hand in your Binder now

Dear YRCC Choristers,

Don't forget that you are responsible for handing in your binder to Trix, our Music Librarian, at the end of each season.

If you want  to have your binder full of music to start the spring season in January, you must hand it in to Trix by next week. Trix has the big job of preparing the binders for our spring season and filing away all the winter season music.

Tomorrow night, after singing, we can all give our binders to Lauren, as Trix will be absent.

If you are not going to be there tomorrow night, you have to drop off your binder at Trix's house in the bin on her front porch.

Please, everyone, help to make this big job a bit easier by ensuring that your binder is handed in as soon as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation,

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