Thursday, January 10, 2013

Shut-up-and-do-as-you're-told politics here and now

Don't like conflict. Avoid it.
So, politics are obviously not my thing.
But, sometimes I see something that demands my attention.

Tomorrow's events both have the same kind of aura of unfairness to them and I think it's because they both revolve around groups of former second-class citizens and their right to participate in the processes that govern them.

York Region Elementary Teachers, among others, will have a day of protest tomorrow, Friday, January 11th, 2013.

Teachers have lost their rights and there is no uproar from the other unions. Do they feel immune? Do they believe that the teachers are different, don't deserve the same rights?

I'm surprised and disappointed in the public, especially members of all unions, for their lack of support for teachers. It isn't fair.

The Prime Minister is going to meet with some First Nations leaders that have been neglected tomorrow. There will be a prayer vigil at our church, Trinity United Newmarket.

The First Nations want to be heard. I don't agree with much of what they are saying. I don't like the word Sovereignty. I don't like that their solution is to separate themselves from Canada and Canadians. But, they believe they are not included, so they are separate already. If we believe that they should be included then they need to be at the table. We need to be considering their issues. What do we know about this and how much do we care? Excluding First Nations is the problem, not the solution. This is a much more complex issue that we have to become more aware of. Check out the Official Idle No More website. I had no idea.

I'm surprised and disappointed in the continued lack of attention the First Nations get.

If I do nothing else, at least I can reflect on these issues and express my hope for peace in these situations, for the individuals involved and for all of us who are and will be affected.

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