Thursday, March 7, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

1. O Canada: we reviewed the Tenor and Bass Parts at "With glowing hearts we see thee rise", making sure that "glowing" is on beats 1 and 2.
2. From A Distance: 52- the end and the beginning. We did the oohs and they're pretty and not too hard. We're almost done.
3. We had an early break, and after break talked about Sylvia's funeral. Enid read her tribute, which was beautiful and perfect.
4. We started On Eagles Wings, sight-reading through once and learning the main part, on page 4, starting at the pick-up to bar 25.
5. You'll Never Walk Alone: We reviewed the beginning, and it's really cool.
6. We enjoyed singing One Voice before going our separate ways.

The second small group, Lean On Me, started after choir. The group is being lead by Janet and the Kevins, and the sign-up quickly filled up online. Next Monday, we meet at 6:30, but after that we'll meet after choir.

Watch out for further small group sign-ups on our website. The third small group, Together Wherever We Go is set to form, and will start meeting before choir after March Break.

Next Monday, March 11:
We're starting the Handel Chorus (Ye Boundless Realms of Joy), so have a look at it if you can. It's quite short, but intense.
Flying Free
Get Happy
You'll Never Walk Alone

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