Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sharps, Flats and Naturals

Ooh. This is good. You can watch this video and I don't have to write anything about sharps and flats. It's all here, and very clearly explained.
I'll keep a look-out for good examples in our music as we sing.

Here's a simple visual of how the accidentals work, with flats.

The video doesn't explain key signatures, but that's easy. Any sharps or flats in a key signature apply to all of those notes in a song, in every octave, unless marked by an accidental. So, in the example below, every F C and G will be sharp.
Here, there's a key signature with F# and C#. Notice the C in the second bar is natural. The one right next to  it will be natural too. The C an octave down, in bar 3 is also marked natural, the one in the same bar will also be natural. The first C in bar 4 is sharp, because it's a new bar and the key signature comes back into effect. The following C is marked natural to cancel that sharp.

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