Sunday, December 8, 2013

Choral Extravaganza Preparation

Those YRCC members who have signed up for the Choral Extravaganza on January 26th should already have their mass choir music-3 pieces that we're going to sing (with all the other 8 choirs!). When you're handing in your binder at the end of this season, you can keep those 3 pieces to look at them over the holiday.

We will start rehearsing them as soon as we're back in January and there are 2 additional Sunday rehearsals.

You can begin looking at your music, and becoming familiar with the words, where you sing, etc. I'll give you links to recordings of the songs here.

Nella Fantasia (In My Fantasy) by Ennio Morricone and Chiara Ferrau arr Audrey Snyder
The publisher's page (click on "closer look" and then click on the sample audio.) There is a short sample of the arrangement. 

Spacious Firmament by Tobin Stokes
The publisher's page (you can listen and read along on the music right there)
(a Children’s choir will sing the beginning and end)

Haydn: Come Gentle Spring

If you haven't signed up do so asap and you too can get your music in advance.

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