Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Feb.24 Review, and Preview to March 3rd.

After a weekend of Olympic excitement and Canadian national pride, we started our rehearsal off with our beautiful O Canada, a cappella. It's always great. Tenor and Bass could be stronger. But, we were missing some people.

We continued with They All Call it Canada, But I Call it Home, which Sapphire had just finished recording for the website. I still have that chorus ear-worming in my head. We learned pages 8&9, so we can now sing most of the song, since that part repeats. Take note of the Sign at the top of page 8, when we get to the D.S. al Coda, that's the spot we go back to.

We continued with In My Life at page 8. This next section is the dramatic version of the melody. The timing is really different and the accompaniment doesn't help us. We're ready to learn the ending! Can't wait!

The Banks of Newfoundland is now whole. We got the timing of the transition on page 3 (Birds Go) and at the bottom of page 5 (the ahs before the melody). We reviewed the ahs on page 5 too, and discussed the time signature. I'll write a post on it.

Nella Fantasia needs more review than I expected (ATB ahs), but it's pretty good. I love how it sounds with Mary Ellen singing the first verse as a solo! Sopranos don't come in until the top of page 7, but then you get lots of melody after that. Tenors and Basses please review this song. You can use both Sapphire's and Richard's recordings. Richard's are great because he sings your part, and with Sapphire's you get the key change information you need from the accompaniment.

Song for the Mira: we didn't get a chance to sing it, but it's going on line soon. We walked through who's singing what (see last week's post for solo assignments). One change that I'm considering is having solo 2 going all the way to solo 3. The choir doesn't come in until page 8. Which is where we were hoping to start today.

Edelweiss: this small group met after for a short run-through. Take note of who starts where and dynamics in general. The ending is big and loud. Some copies say soft.

Next Week, March 3rd

Edelweiss will meet at 6:30 
(This Land is Your Land will meet the following week, March 10)
Northwest Passage will meet at break. We could use a few more voices on this one. This group will meet at 6:30 on March 17.
Small Groups: check the calendar for your rehearsal times. You might need to plan extra rehearsals outside of Monday nights. 

  1. Song for the Mira, pg 8-10
  2. In My Life, ending
  3. They All Call it Canada, beginning
  4. Shenandoah, review
  5. Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves, review

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