Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Monday, February 10th review and preview to Monday, February 17th, Family Day Rehearsal

Monday Feb.10

Aurora Resthaven went well- after we all got in and down to the activity room! Wow, was that room decorated! It was a fun event, and we were so happy to sing for and with that big crowd!

While some of us were performing, the rest of us were singing the Hockey Song and Shenandoah. After break, when we were all together, we finished Shenandoah, reviewed the beginning of The Banks of Newfoundland, sang it all the way through (it was pretty good!), and started In My Life (we just learned up to 13, but sang all the way through).

Feb. 17 Family Day (nobody has to come early)

Banks of Newfoundland: we'll focus on the transitions between sections, now that we know how each section goes.
The Hockey Song: we'll put it all together
In My Life: we will continue with 13-22 and hopefully sing up to the end of page 7
They Call it Canada: we will do a read-through
Song for the Mira: we will do a read-through and think about who can do the solos
Song for the Mira Solos:
1 and 6 intro and conclusion (Janet, Trix)?
2 boys teasing girls (Tracey, Louisa, Kit)?
3 bonfires (Anne Marie, Daphne)?
4. witches and werewolves (Lauren, Debbie)?

***Don't forget to share some love with your choir friends past and present for Valentine's Day. You can send each other emails via our website. Test it out.

We'll have treats and coffee for Family Day with our choir family :-)

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