Wednesday, February 24, 2016

YRCC Rehearsal Review Mon. Feb. 21 and preview to Feb.29

Feb. 21
Grand Night for Singing met at 6:45

Warm-up: we sang I Will Always Be With You, and discovered that the recording is really fast, so fast that it's almost like a different song. Still pretty.

1. Why We Sing is coming along swimmingly. We are almost finished, having learned from the beginning to 74. Remember that all parts are recorded and available on the website.

2. Thank You For the Music is such a great song! We'll be so happy once we've learned this difficult piece! For now, we have to work hard. We reviewed the chorus which we learned last week- sections C and D. We'll need to sing it again and again. Thank goodness, it repeats several times in the piece! We only have the accompaniment recorded for this, so see if you can review it on your own, and if you can't, wait until Sapphire returns so we can get those parts recorded.

We had amazingly wonderful sweets at break-time. Judy, Pat, and Peggy brought a smorgasbord of cookies, cakes and squares. Thank you, kind friends!

3. After break we reviewed what we learned of the Joseph Medley, from the beginning to 81. It's not difficult and very rewarding to sing.

4. We ended the night with Can't Help Singing. We sang right through, and it was really great that so many of us had learned so much last week! It's great!

Next week:

We're at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Aurora to rehearse because our room is booked by others. We've rehearsed at St. Andrews many times in the past. They have a keyboard that we can use, and music stands. Set up will be easy: just the amplifier (and chords) for the accompaniments.

Grand Night For Singing meets early again.

  • Finish Why We Sing. First Sopranos can look ahead to their descant part 
  • Finish Can't Help Singing: First Sopranos again have a descant part to look at
  • Start at the beginning with Thank You For the Music. Tenor/ Bass has a special echo part to look ahead to.
  • Continue with Joseph. Coming next: cowboy Angel in Heaven (who can whistle?) and Elvis Song of the King (bop-shu-wha-da!) 

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