Tuesday, November 28, 2017

YRCC Run-Through Rehearsal 27-Nov-17

We're going to be great. The last rehearsal made sure you'll keep working until the last minute :-)

At the end, I said you should know what you need to work on. Some of you will think that you've got your parts so you don't have to look over anything, but please do anyway. You see, if you were so strong on your part, the ones who were lost would have been able to follow you, right?

Here's what needs review:

1. Hine Ma Tov (the words, the melody, when to come in)
Here's a link to listen to: Hine Ma Tov (fast but clear)

2. River: Listen to Joni Mitchell This is the one that inspired our arrangement. You'll hear it. Just get a handle on how the 3 verses go, with the 2 endings and the coda. (Joy will give us the same 2-bar intro just before each verse so that the start is clearer) Remember the ending is slowish, and starts with the two slow pa-pas.

3. Watch the conductor for every entry and every ending, always! So, learn those entries and endings so you don't have to look at your music and you can look at me.

Soloists and small group members please memorize your parts as much as possible so you don't have to look at your music too much. Sing to the audience.

That's not bad considering we're presenting 26 pieces of music!

As always, everything will come together when we're in front of the audience. Thank you for all your hard work over the season!

Break a leg!

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