Tuesday, January 23, 2018

YRCC Rehearsal 22-Jan-2018

Another messy day, weather-wise, with fog and freezing rain and rain on an off. Yuck! We're so lucky to have choir to end our Mondays on a positive note ;-)

6:30 Small group: What the World Needs Now is Love: brave folks got there early and learned half the song already. Way to go!

We did another move-and-sing exercise for our warm-up. This time we danced and sang along to the Beatles' Twist and Shout! We tried to sing harmonies along with Paul and George or the melody with John. You'll be very sad if you missed this rehearsal!

1. Imagine: We spent the whole first half on this because we were really getting it. The plan was to learn from bar 40 to the end. We did that so well that we sang the whole song through and did an excellent job. So, now we're ahead on this song. Hooray!

2. Nella Fantasia: We learned bar 42 to the end, and it was beautiful! Listen to the recordings- there are lots. The ones that Richard did have him singing the parts. You might find that easier, hearing the words.

3. Seasons of Love: This was only supposed to be an introduction, but we got all the way to the bottom of page 3, learning parts. We sight-read to the end, and it was fun! I love this song.

Next week:
Monday, January 29
6:30 What the World Needs Now

  • Crazy Little Thing Called Love
  • From a Distance 13-25
  • Nella Fantasia 28-37
  • One Small Step
  • Seasons of Love 28-40 (talk about solos- soprano here and tenor at 40)

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