
Welcome to Renate's Baton. This blog is mostly for and about my choir, The York Region Community Choir.

But, While I'm holding the baton, I'm in charge. So, if I want to talk about other parts of my life, I will. :)

The choir itself is a community and I'm discovering that we have a lot in common with one another besides our love of music and singing.

When I go off on a tangent, there is always a crowd coming along. Join us!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

YRCC Spring Concert Wish Upon a Star- Resounding Success!

 I wish you all could have heard all of the wonderful praise I heard about our concert on Saturday. I'm so lucky to be the one to receive so many of the accolades! I have to share them with you. 

Wow! The choir sounded magnificent, and the song choices were great, a wonderful variety of songs, the theme was inspiring, the duet was charming, the soloists were impressive, the decorations were stunning, and on and on.

Thank you, my choir! 

We had a few little moments of stress, but the absolutely heavenly moments made up for them. 

You looked marvellous!

Stunning decorations, adorable duet. But, that water bottle-ugh.

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