Sunday, December 29, 2024

Still Have Your YRCC Binder?!!! Hand it in asap.

 If you are still in possession of YRCC music and/or your binder, it's never too late to return it. 

Ideally, we get all the binders back with all the music in them at the end of each season. That way, the sheet music can be filed away for future use, and the next season's music can be prepared for each member before the first day of the season, in September or January. 

At the end of a season, there is usually a binder bin on somebody's front porch. This year, it's on Anne Copsey's porch in Newmarket. If you're a current member, you can find her address and phone number in the membership directory on our website. The members listing is only available after you log in, so make sure you have your password handy. 

If you are a past member, you can email and we'll help you out. 

We pay quite a bit of money to have legal copies of music (prints from purchased pdfs or printed scores from the publisher) for every chorister singing. Membership fees help to cover those expenses, but we want our fees to remain as low as possible. 

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