Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Monday, January 12th's Rehearsal Review and what to expect Monday, January 19th.

Monday, January 12th.

Sapphire and I recorded the accompaniment and all 4 parts for Yesterday Once More and the accompaniment for Do Wah Diddy Diddy :-)

Warm-ups included pa-pas and tuppa-tuppas.

1. On Eagle's Wings was beautiful, in part because we reviewed all the "Make you to shine like the sun" bits. Remember to give page 6 to the Tenor/Bass section: they have the melody all through the page. Starting from the top, sopranos especially have to be very soft and pretty and altos have to hold back too, except in bar 48. Bar 48 is the pretty alto "sun".

2. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring was beautiful too. As I've said before, we are singing Jay-zoo. We had some discussion (which I dismissed because we're not discussing it. I have investigated and decided and I have expressed that.) over whether to pronounce it Jay-zoo or Yay-zoo or Yay-soo. I know that the Latin is Yay-soo. The German is Yay-zus. I'm going with a more anglicized, but not totally anglicized form. (There are some who would say: Gee-zoo.) I want the written alliteration to be heard, but only barely, because we're singing very softly. We spent some time reviewing pages 5 and 6, which are the hardest, and sang through the whole thing. We should have reviewed the words for the parts on pages 5 and 6, because we totally messed up on the second verse! If you have some time look over pages 5 and 6, both verses.

3.Yesterday Once More is a theme song. Lauren is the soloist on the first page, Janet is her back-up. Only the sopranos come in at 19 with the tenors. Altos start at bar 14, with Oh. Watch your rests! There are lots of places where only the sopranos or only the altos are singing- sticks up are soprano and sticks down are alto, generally. In the recordings, Sapphire sometimes plays the "other" part for timing. Be careful to know which is your part. Also circle every entry of "Every". Some are slow (quarter notes-you come in on beat 3) and some are fast (eighths you wait 'till beat 4). Be careful with these entries.

4. Tup Tuppa. We sang through the whole first part, with the repeat and it was good! It's hard, but it felt so good to get it that we cheered and clapped! I'm a bit worried for the basses, who have been absent for both weeks, but we will have recordings up soon. Sopranos can sing along with the video I inserted into a blog post from a couple weeks ago, but for the altos, tenors and basses, you'll have to use our recordings. The altos and tenors are amazing! Next week, we move on to the second part.

5. Hallelujah is always beautiful. I forgot to ask the new people how they felt singing it. I know they must have loved it, but I like to hear it. Our arrangement is so satisfying to sing!

Next Week: Monday, January 19th

  1. Button Up Your Overcoat
  2. Hello Goodbye
  3. Jesu, Joy
  4. This Little Light
  5. Tup Tuppa

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