Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Monday, January 5th Rehearsal Review, and Preview to January 12th

Monday, January 5th.
We welcomed 3 new members: Jie, Blair, and Bev!

It was great to be together again, and we spent quite a bit of time talking at the beginning of rehearsal. That's fine (and really nice to see for our first night), but we need to get to work at 7:30 from now on. You can talk before or at break time.

We had a quick warm-up and got to work singing. Here's what you missed if you couldn't be there.

1. Another Op'nin' is fast and has a repeat. Make sure you know where you're going. It's in 2 parts. Tenors join Sopranos on the top and Basses join Altos on the bottom. We will be memorizing this so we can walk and sing and do actions! Start now if you're like me.

2. Monday, Monday is fun! Be sure to start off soft, and you're always soft whenever you're singing bah-dah. (for Sopranos and Tenor/Bass that's a lot) Altos have lots of melody. Be strong! Everybody, go over the words and timing at "every other day,"... "but whenever Monday comes"..., especially the Sopranos.

3. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring! (aka, the easier Bach piece) We learned all of our parts, but we'll review them lots, don't worry. Especially that dramatic middle part "Word of God..." Pay attention to dynamics. We felt a huge difference when we sang the first line softly. It's so much better soft than loud! We pronounce it Jay-zoo, not Yay-zoo.

4. Tup-Tuppa (aka Bach Badinerie, aka the other Bach piece) Everyone wanted to sing Tenor, but, really, each part has its blessings (and curses). This will take some time, but we'll be so proud when we master it!!! It will surprise everyone, even some of us ;-)

5. Hello, Goodbye (aka The Beatles Medley!) Yay! This Beatles Medley is awesome, and not too hard. There are only a few tricky bits, and everyone loves theses songs. Altos and Tenors get some fun bum-bums.

Homework: go to my Bach blog post and listen to that recording of Bach Badinerie. Especially if you're a soprano, try to sing along. If you can have your music in front of you, even better. See if you can figure out what your part should sound like. Sapphire and I have made recordings of your parts and Trix will have them up as soon as possible.

Next week, Monday, January 12th

  1. Hello, Goodbye
  2. Jesu, Joy
  3. On Eagle's Wings
  4. This Little Light
  5. Tup Tuppa

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