Saturday, January 25, 2025

YRCC 2025 Rehearsal Review January 21

Wow! I'm very late with my rehearsal review. I do apologize. 

We had a very productive rehearsal, even though we had to quickly add O Canada, with sheet music on our phones. We're singing O Canada at a hockey game at Ray Twinney on Sunday. It's a promotional and fundraising game called "The battle of Yonge Street" The Ontario Junior Hockey League is hoping that Newmarket will be home to one of their teams. The Aurora Tigers will play the Toronto Jr. Canadiens. Sopranos from Denison High School will join us as will Marianne, their teacher, who sang with us at our rehearsal. I'm told she has a beautiful voice. The altos are happy she's joining them to sing O Canada on Sunday. She sings with a choir in Toronto (can't remember which one). 

Read More Here

It will be good to have O Canada in our binders. I think we should keep it and sing it from time to time to remember to stand on guard for our beautiful nation. 

1. Wonderful World was our warm-up song. We did the briefest warm-up because we took a long time to get started.

2. O Canada. Tenors, Basses, and Altos, please practise with the recordings on the website. Sopranos have the melody throughout. Let's see if a big ending sounds good when we rehearse on Sunday. 

3. Shenandoah: We started at the very beginning, a very good place to start. We learned our ooohs, and then we sang through sight-reading.

4. All the Little Rivers of Canada: We learned the chorus at section D. 

5. Hockey Song: We learned the chorus at section B, and sang every chorus in the song, and then sang the ending. 

6. On Eagles Wings: We also learned the chorus and sang every chorus in the song. We stared by looking at the chorus at 43 and 61 where one group sings the chorus and the other sings long notes in harmony. Tenors and Basses, be sure not to go straight to the melody note when you turn the page after "And he will raise you...", on page 60. Make yourself a note that it's a high harmony note. We'll have to review the "Make you to shine like the sun" parts next time.

7. Hallelujah: We spent a moment on all the parts right after the first solo (we're going to sing it with solos this year- let me know if you'd like to sing one of them). "It goes like this" remember, is different form the versions on the radio. And, the sopranos do not have the melody. Tenors have the melody here. We'll need to sing a little softer so that we can hear them. 

8. You Raise Me Up: We're going to sing this with a solo at the beginning too. Stanley did it for us, and he's done it before. If you'd like to be considered to sing it, let me know. 

Next Tuesday, January 28th:

  • 6:30 Small Group Together Wherever We Go (Sopranos and Altos) Please sign up on the website. I'd like to see at least 6 women in this group and up to 12. 
  • All the Little Rivers of Canada
  • Canon of Joy
  • Hockey Song
  • On Eagles Wings
  • Song for the Mira
  • You'll Never Walk Alone

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