Saturday, January 25, 2025

YRCC Performing O Canada Jan. 26 at Newmarket JHL Hockey Game

Tomorrow,  Sunday, January 26th, we meet at 3:30 inside the main entrance to find our rehearsal spot at the Ray Twinney Recreation Centre. 

You'll be wearing your white top and black bottoms with your red scarf or tie. You'll want to have sturdy (black) shoes or boots. You'll want to have a layer on top, a black jacket or cardigan that you can open up or take off when we sing. 

You will get your O Canada sheet music to put into your binder.

You will take a pencil and cross out "our sons" and write in OF US. We will sing:

True patriot love in all of us command.

We will rehearse with the 5 sopranos from Denison High School with their teacher Marianne who has agreed to sing with the altos.

We will be on centre ice at 4:25 singing the National Anthem, and the game starts at 4:30. So, you'll be on your way home or into the audience pretty quickly. 

Have fun!

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