
Welcome to Renate's Baton. This blog is mostly for and about my choir, The York Region Community Choir.

But, While I'm holding the baton, I'm in charge. So, if I want to talk about other parts of my life, I will. :)

The choir itself is a community and I'm discovering that we have a lot in common with one another besides our love of music and singing.

When I go off on a tangent, there is always a crowd coming along. Join us!

Monday, October 30, 2023

YRCC Musical Friends and Family

I wonder if you've ever noticed how wonderful our audiences are. 

They are often exceptionally good at singing when they're invited to sing along with us, and very willing. I'm not surprised that many of us come from musical families and hang out with friends who enjoy a concert, a sing-along, or some karaoke for fun.

I've actually heard you speaking about siblings all playing instruments and singing together, family bonfires with harmonizing vocals and guitars and ukuleles, Christmas carols with the whole family, all generations, around the piano in the living room, etc. Maybe there's something in our DNA that makes us respond to music with more than usual enthusiasm (and talent)? 

I just received a message from Cheryl in the Soprano section. She proudly shared a video of a cousin of hers playing piano with a violinist in a concert called "Rediscovering George Enescu and other composers".  I Googled Enescu and found that he's considered to be the greatest, or the most important Romanian musician. 

"Just sharing my(Cheryl's) cousin Stephen’s recent concert in Constanta... He has said if he’s ever back over this way he’d come and play for our choir."

Of course he would. We're a ton of fun, and I bet Stephen is too, knowing his cool cousin Cheryl. 

Thank you, Cheryl! Here's the video.

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